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Installation Guide

The only prerequisite for installing PySide6 is having Python installed on your system. PySide6 can be installed using the Python package manager conda, pip, or poetry.


If you use conda, you can install PySide6 from the conda-forge channel. Best practice is to use an environment for your PySide6 project, and not to install it in your base environment:

  1. Create and activate an environment:
    conda create -n myenv
    conda activate myenv
  2. Download PySide6 from the conda-forge channel in the environment:
    conda install -c conda-forge pyside6


If you use pip, you can install PySide6 using the commands below. Also with pip, it is best practice to use a virtual environment. It is customary to use venv for this purpose. venv is built into Python and does not require any additional installation:

  1. Create and activate an environment:
    python -m venv myenv
  2. Activate the environment:

    Windows :
    Unix / macOS:
    source myenv/bin/activate
  3. Install PySide6 in the environment:
    pip install pyside6


If you use poetry, you can install PySide6 using the commands below. Also with poetry it is best practice to use a virtual environment. This virtual environment can be either a venv or conda environment.

  1. Create and activate an environment. See sections pip and conda above on how to create and activate a venv or conda environment, respectively.
  2. Create a Poetry project, if you haven't already, and navigate to it:
    poetry new myproject
    cd myproject
  3. Add PySide6 to the project's pyproject.toml file and install to the virtual environment:
    poetry add pyside6
    poetry install